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Parents are worried that their kids might experience interference in processing language. This is true, Also, many other scientific studies should ease parents: 

家长们往往会担心自己的小朋友在学习语言过程中出现双语引起的干扰,在一定层面 上,是有一定道理的。但同时以下科学研究的证明能让父母减少这样一些担忧: 

The interference in processing language that bilingual kids experience make them able to switch from one language to another. Whenever bilinguals use language, their brains are busy choosing the right word while blocking the same term from another language. This forces the brain to resolve internal conflict, giving the brain a good workout .It is like exercising the brain.

具备双语能力的儿童能够在语言处理过程的干扰中从一种语言转换到另一种语言,此时 儿童的大脑忙于处理语言信息,在两种语言中找出正确的词语。这种外力促使大脑内部 发生很多变化,促使大脑得到充分的锻炼,这就像大脑在做充分的运动一样。 

A number of studies suggest that being bilingual improves the brain executive function, according to Ellen Bialystok, psychologist and author of he Bilingual Advantage. 


Bilingual kids exercise cognitive flexibility; that is, they are better at focusing attention on relevant information and ignoring unnecessary distractions, making the process of learning new rules much faster. 

具备双语能力的儿童也能够常常锻炼到认知方面的灵活性。这样的儿童往往能够更好的 把注意力集中在相关信息上,同时,排除无用信息的干扰,这使得儿童们更快的学习和 掌握新的规则和方法。

How to support Bilingual Child 


Children do not become bilingual naturally. Even though your child is exposed to two languages, at some point he or she might just stick to themajority language and forget the second language. Usually, you as the parent, need to do some planning, spend effort and adopt strategies to successfully raise a child who knows two languages. You need to ask questions like how do you expose your child equally to two languages, who speaks what and when, what materials can you use to promote your child two language learning? 

孩子并不能天生拥有双语能力。即使你的孩子接触到了两种语言,但在某些时候,他/她 可能只会坚持使用大语种而忘记第二语言。通常,作为家长的你,需要付出努力和采取 策略地做一些规划,去成功培养一个知道两种语言的孩子的双语能力。你需要问一些问 题,诸如怎么让孩子平衡地接触两种语言?谁说什么?什么时候说?可以用什么材料去 提高孩子的双语学习? 

Below are some tips that can help you answer these questions: 


Find the right balance for your child to learn the two languages. To accomplish this, conduct an audit to see the patterns of the use of language in your home and your community. Try to balance the exposure of your child to both languages in terms of speaking, reading and writing. 

帮孩子找到双语学习的正确平衡点。要做到这一点,你需要进行一项计算,看看你的家 庭和你的社区使用语言的模式。尽量平衡你的孩子在说、读和写方面对两种语言的使 用。 

Make language learning enjoyable. Incorporate it into silly songs, games and activities,Read to your kid books in the second language. 

使语言学习变得愉快。把它融入一些有趣的民谣、游戏和活动当中。你还可以用第二语 言给你的孩子读书。 

Praise your child when she makes an effort of communicating in a second language.  


Children are encouraged to express their feelings and thoughts in a positive manner and environment. Teachers are also encouraged to provide positive feedbacks, such as praise and encouragement, to help develop children's confidence in expressing themselves.

我们坚持正面积极的方式和环境鼓励儿童进行更多的表达,也鼓励老师对儿童具体的行为进行具体的表扬和鼓励,让这样正面的鼓励做的更专业和有效帮助儿童 更自信的进行表达。 

Be patient and stay strong when a doubt about your success creeps in! 

