Helping kids to achieve good balance is vital. Balance is the pillar beneath every skill we have. Teaching kids good balance at an early age will set them up for better body awareness, coordination, and concentration. Common activities, like hopscotch walking through planks and beams and freeze tag that we do in the class promote balance. Some researchers mentioned that balance does not only make connection with physical but also mental of the kids. When kids stabilize themselves from unstable pose like when doing freeze tag/ dance, they learn to focus faster and more efficiently. Learning balance is an ongoing practice. Thus practicing with kids in the class can give kids a sense of mutual support.
帮助孩子获得一个良好的平衡感是很重要的。平衡是我们所有技能的基础。在早期阶段 训练孩子良好的平衡能力可以帮助他们建立起更好的身体意识、协调性及专注力。一般 我们在课程里所进行的活动,比如:跳房子、走平板和平衡木以及玩“冻结”游戏都有助 于平衡感的增强。许多研究都提到,平衡不仅与身体能力有关,而且与孩子的心理也有 关系。当孩子由不稳定的姿势去调整自己的身体保持平衡稳定时,比如:在玩“冻结”游 戏或舞蹈时,他们会学着快速并有效地地集中注意力。提高平衡能力是一项持续的练 习,在课堂中做这样的练习可以帮助孩子建立一种互助感。
Easy Balance-Building Exercises 简单易做的平衡练习
6 MONTHS TO 1 YEAR (Older Little Bundles to Tiny Tykes)
Finger Pull-Ups: Once your child begins to sit up, let her grab the fingers of both your hands and pull herself into a sitting position. Once she's seated, slowly move your hands in toward her, just enough so that she has to rely on her own sense of balance. Once she begins to teeter, gently support her back into an upright position. Repeat as long as her attention span will allow.
手指拉坐练习:当孩子开始能够坐立时,让他两只手分别抓住你的手指,借力把自己拉 起坐立。一旦他坐好后,你可以慢慢将你的手移向他,放松一点点力度,这样孩子能够 靠自己的平衡力保持稳定。当孩子身体开始摇晃时,轻轻地帮他回到垂直坐立。只要他 的注意力允许,就可以一直重复这个练习。
1 TO 3 YEARS (Older Tiny Tykes to Terrific Tots)
Stork Stands: Together with your child, stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart, hands on hips. Stand on your left leg, bending the right leg slightly behind you. Hold this pose for two seconds and then slowly extend your right leg straight out and slightly in front of you without touching the ground. Hold for two seconds and repeat the exercise standing on the right leg. Once this feels easy, try extending your arms out in front of you or overhead.
单脚站立练习:和孩子一起做,双脚分开与肩同宽站立,双手叉腰。将重心移到左腿并 弯曲右腿。保持两秒钟然后慢慢向前伸直右腿,保持2秒钟,然后换腿重复上述练习。若 逐渐适应能轻松完成,试着在上述练习的基础上向前或向上伸直双臂,加大难度。
3 YEARS AND UP (Older Terrific Tots to Whiz Kids)
Balance Beam Lunges: Let kids stand on a long board (like floor plank orbalance beam). Kids should place their left foot several feet forward on the beam and lunge down until their left thigh is parallel to the ground (their right knee will bend as they deepen the pose). After they hold this position as long as they can, then have them repeat the move with the other leg. With practice, children can lunge with their arms extended out from their sides.
平衡木箭步蹲练习:让孩子站在一条长板上(比如:平板或平衡木),左脚向前迈几步 弯曲成箭步蹲姿势直到左大腿与地面保持平行(为保持姿势的平衡,孩子的右膝会弯 曲)。只要孩子能充分保持姿势的稳定,就可以换腿重复上述练习。随着练习,孩子可 以在伸直双臂的基础上进行箭步蹲练习。
Balance: What to Expect When. 平衡:儿童不同发展时期的表现
Below are the lists of balance related milestones that a kid will exhibit as the kid grows. Take note that ages are approximate. Some children reach these milestones sooner or later than indicated.
以下是孩子在不同成长时期,将会达到的(与平衡相关的)里程碑性的发育指标。留意 以下年龄只是参考,可能会出现细微偏差,不同孩子会或早或晚的达到这些里程碑性的 发育指标。
- About 2 months: Head control 2个月:抬头
- 6 to 7 months: Sitting 6-7个月:坐立
- 8 to 10 months: Crawling 8-10个月:爬行
- 9 to 10 months: Standing with support 9-10个月:辅助性站立
- 9 to 16 months: Standing independently 9-16个月:独立站立
- 9 to 17 months: Walking 9-17个月:行走
- 21 to 30 months: Running smoothly 21-30个月:流畅地跑动
- 4 to 5 years: Hopping on one foot 4-5岁:单脚跳
- 5 to 6 years: Skipping 5-6岁:垫步跳跃